SCUMM-8 is in Print

If you pick up a copy of this month’s The MagPi (or click here) and turn to page 29, you’ll see a lovely little mention of SCUMM-8 in print! 😀

It’s part of a great article (written by K.G. Orphanides) on how to “Make your own Video Games”, and covers a selection of: websites, engines & tools for getting started – including a big feature on the PICO-8 virtual console (which SCUMM-8 was made with).

It was a great feeling to know that other people appreciate and enjoy something that I made – makes the time spent feel even more worth it!

And would you believe it? SCUMM-8 was also in print in Retro Gamer in the same month (but I only just found out)! 😮

If you’re the owner of lssue 185 (“Space Invaders”) cover, turn to the Page 104 and you’ll see my game “CODE-8” (which was built using my SCUMM-8 engine), along with details of several other great entries to the AdventureJam 2018:

Unfortunately, Retro Gamer forgot to include a link to the jam (and apparently didn’t have room to list the authors), so I’ve decided to include all the ones featured below:

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